EVE Energy Co., Ltd
EVE Energy Co., Ltd was founded in 2001 and specializes in high-energy lithium batteries.EVE is the largest provider of Primary lithium cells within China. In October 2009, EVE became the first company listed on GEM in Shenzhen (Stock code: 300014.SZ).
In 2015 NMP recovering equipment JRH-27000Z 1set and heat ex-changer JR-20600
In 2011 Low Dew Point Desiccant Dehumidifier ZCH-16000,12700,12000,6500; combined desiccant dehumidifier ZCB-D-34000
In 2010 Low Dew Point Desiccant Dehumidifier ZCH-5200 and ZCH-3500
In 2009,Low Dew Point Desiccant Dehumidifier ZCH-6000;
In 2006,Hangzhou Dryair provided ZCH-5000 and ZCH-1500 Low Dew Point Desiccant Dehumidifier for EVE Energy;
Post time: May-29-2018